Year of Establishment :2005
No. of Batches Passed : 16
Faculty Position : 02 Assistant Professors
HOD : Dr. Mohd Younes Bhat
The discipline of Political Science is valued as master science due to its encompassing nature on account of catering all other disciplines be it science, law or management, therefore, the department does not confine itself to any boundary. However, keeping in view the range of issues from local to global level, the department envisions to inculcate values of peace, justice, tolerance, multiculturalism and harmony among the future generations. The department has complete sense about political activities, processes and trends that have been continuous phenomena in the political affairs at local, national and international level, thereby; students get exposed to all these realities and developments. After completion of Major Political science, the students of the department may avail varieties of opportunities in different fields viz. Journalism, Peace and Conflict Studies, Law, research in International Politics. Public Administration, Public Policy, Globalization, Political Theory, Comparative Politics and many others.
HOD Message:
We welcome all the students of Political Science in the Department. We are aware about accentuated shifts in the modern pedagogy, and competitions, therefore, there is well-calibrated policy orientation in the department, which would lead to inculcate all those values required to triumph in such conditions. There is a sense to strive in our students to get enlightened to all those academic upheavals, which they are supposed to confront in the future.
Courses offered: Four Year (8 semesters) Major Political Science